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Should I mention death? 2022/12/8 14:03
Thank you for reading my post.

I know this question sounds a bit strange, but I am in a unique situation, so please let me explain.

I am half-Japanese and half-American. My biological (Japanese mom) passed away when I was 5 years old. Since, Ifve lived in America with my dad.

Ifm going to be going to Japan to learn Japanese. I plan to work in Japan in the future and I want to reconnect with my culture. I will be staying with a host family (my mom doesnft have any living relatives). I am to write several letters to my host family about my history, what Ifm like, interests, etc.

I know death can be a very taboo topic to Japanese. Should I mention that mom has passed or should I just say Ifm half Japanese raised in America in my letter? How should I approach the topic? Any advice would be helpful. Thank you very much.
by Nina (guest)  

Re: Should I mention death? 2022/12/8 18:08
I know death can be a very taboo topic to Japanese.

No, it isn't. I wonder where you got that idea. Just write how you'd write to an American host family.

I'm a Japanese resident in Japan who attended elementary school in America, if that helps.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Should I mention death? 2022/12/8 18:57
I agree with Uco-san that it is not a taboo topic. And in your case, it would probably come naturally as part of your introduction – if the host family hears that you are half Japanese, they are likely to get curious about your parents and where you grew up and all that. And since it sounds like your mother passed away quite some time ago, you simply mention your momfs passing when you were small, and since then you have been living in the USc which as a background story flows naturally, and that would be that.

And Ifm also a Japanese resident in Japan, who attended high school in the US for a few years.
by AK rate this post as useful

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