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Contact with professor 2023/5/17 17:26
Hi everyone.
I have a question from Japanese people in the forum. actually, I worked on a joint project with a Japanese professor for a year. I have to mention that I do not live in Japan now and all of our work and conversation have been done by email. when the project finished I wanted to send my hometown local sweets to the professor for thanks, but the professor said the price of international shipping is high and when you come to Japan I prefer to receive the sweets for you in person. I don't want to lose contact with my professor after work. Can I follow him on Twitter or Instagram? Or is this not common in Japan at all? I should mention his insta account is public.
by breeze1996  

Re: Contact with professor 2023/5/17 23:03
It's not uncommon to follow a social media account of someone you worked with, including Japanese professors in Japan. Whether he follows you back is another story. Some people may simply be not used to handling social media. If I were you, I'd also send a short message to that account, just to be polite.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Contact with professor 2023/5/18 00:53
Thank you so much for your reply
I have another question. The last time my prof called me by my name like Dear breeze . is it ok for me to call him like this(Dear his name+last name)? or because he is my senior I should be always formal?
by breeze1996 rate this post as useful

Re: Contact with professor 2023/5/18 01:35
I'm not sure if I understand your second question. But if you are using English language, you should be following the rules of the English language. It's not a matter of someone being Japanese or not.

And when using "Dear" in English language, you're supposed to add a title such as "Dear Mr. xxx", "Dear Professor yyy", "Dear Dr. yyy" etc.

Also, are you his student? (I thought that perhaps you are a more of a co-worker than a student, but since you say "my prof", you're probably his student.) If so, I suppose that, in English language, it's common for a professor to address his students without using Mr. or Ms. while a student should address the professor with a Professor or Dr. if the person is indeed a doctor.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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