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Can I bring certain items to travel to Japan? 2023/6/23 07:46
Am I able to bring my very
- special guitar
- jewellry (not too many)
- laptop
with me to Japan ?

I have high possibility of moving to Japan permanently.
I am only concerned about this things to bring, I will buy the rest in Japan for home making things of course. My jewellry are not a lot and headbands *metal headbands* but they are very special to me (´ . .̫ . `)
by mina22watanabe  

Re: Can I bring certain items to travel to Japan? 2023/6/23 09:47
Yes you can.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Can I bring certain items to travel to Japan? 2023/6/23 11:09
Thank you!
by mina22watanabe rate this post as useful

Re: Can I bring certain items to travel to Japan? 2023/6/23 11:11
I heard jewellry such as metal is not allowed for travel.
I am not sure, pardon my incompetent questions.
by mina22watanabe rate this post as useful

Re: Can I bring certain items to travel to Japan? 2023/6/23 13:31
No problem. But if you want to move to Japan bring as much as possible. Buying things new here will be expensive. And setting up your first apartment in Japan will be already very expensive. (Calculate with paying about 5 months of rent before even moving in : rent, deposit, thank you money, agent fee…) all adds up.

And your first salary will not come immediately. Assuming you move to Japan with a work contract and work visa. Still quite often the first salary isn’t paid until about end of the 2nd month you work in Japan. (Ask your company if you are concerned about this). But you can easily need 500,000 yen to setup life in Japan before seeing your first salary.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Can I bring certain items to travel to Japan? 2023/6/23 14:01
Guitar, metal jewelry and laptop can all be brought into Japan.

But your guitar would be too big to bring into your aircraft seat, so you need to bring it in as checked baggage, or you need to ship it separately.

Metal and laptop must be taken out of your bag when going through airport security, but once they're proven to be safe objects, you can put them back in to your bag and bring them into your flight.

Policies may change by the time you graduate high school three years later, so update yourself when you're finally traveling.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Can I bring certain items to travel to Japan? 2023/6/23 23:37
Thank you very much for the answers.
by mina22watanabe rate this post as useful

Re: Can I bring certain items to travel to Japan? 2023/6/26 18:33
Guitar might be a problem - if it is made with wood that is protected by CITES (such as certain kinds of rosewood, ebony etc.) then travelling with such instrument might be complicated and you might need some kind of "proof" that it was not made with wood obtained illegally.

At least thats how it was back in 2017? when the updated CITES entered into force.
by haens (guest) rate this post as useful

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