Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Shinto Shrine Shop online 2023/8/27 06:13
Hey, I've wanted to buy an o Mamori for a long time. Unfortunately I live in Germany and cannot travel to Japan to buy one. I heard there are Shinto Shrines with online stores but couldn't find any. Hence my question: Can you help me to find a shrine where I can buy an O Mamori online and have it delivered to Germany?

If someone can send me a link or something similar I would be extremely grateful!
by Till (guest)  

Re: Shinto Shrine Shop online 2023/8/27 11:46
Even if you buy an amulet, it is necessary to return it to the same shrine if possible.
The next year, I returned the hamaya that I received at the New Year's visit to the shrine, and bought a new hamaya instead.
Some people just keep it that way.
So, if you don't plan to come to Japan, it's better not to buy omamori.
If it doesn't have to be a shrine, there is a temple in Düsseldorf, so you might be able to buy an omamori.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Shinto Shrine Shop online 2023/8/27 12:43
I have heard of a few shrines that sell their amulets over the internet. But for overseas shipping… i don’t think they are really equipped with credit card payment, ready for overseas shipping, on top of it dealing with it all in a foreign language (yet).

Try checking on amazon… but please be sure the seller is not a reseller but the shrines themselves (at least on the Japanese one, I have seen a few listing by the shrines themselves).
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Shinto Shrine Shop online 2024/3/21 01:42
Hier ist ein Shrine-Shop, der auch nach Deutschland versendet. Zahlen kann man sogar via Paypal.
Die Seite kann man einfach übersetzten lassen.
by Michael (guest) rate this post as useful

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