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Can I bring cashew nuts and almonds to Japan? 2023/9/30 14:17
I am traveling to Japan from India. Can I bring some (500 gms) nuts like Cashews and Almonds which are commercially packed?
by Ramesh (guest)  

Re: Can I bring cashew nuts and almonds to Japan? 2023/9/30 16:39
If you declare it to the Plant Quarantine Station, you can bring it in as long as it is edible even without an inspection certificate. (dried seeds of cashews, almonds, pistachios, unshelled walnuts and macadamia nuts)
However, if you are arriving from India via another country, there is a possibility that you may not be able to bring it in.
If it's in English, you can search here.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

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