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Can someone translate this omikuji? 2024/1/6 17:07
I went to the Fushimi Inari Shrine and got this omikuji. Unfortunately, it is in japanese. Can someone please help me translate it?
Thank you
by JMarcheline (guest)  

Re: Can someone translate this omikuji? 2024/1/7 10:44
Very good luck. Northwest is your lucky direction. For everything else, all will be well, be it illness (you will recover quickly), something youfve lost (you will find it near you), person you are waiting for (will come), business, travel, marriage, building a house/relocation, competition.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Can someone translate this omikuji? 2024/1/8 02:26
Thank you so much AK for the swift answer
by jmarcheline (guest) rate this post as useful

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