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Looking for testing field for RC plane 2024/1/14 17:47
Hello! I am an international student in Japan, and I am interested in planes. I am building a small RC airplane that weights around 4-5 kg, and I want to test it. But as you know, it makes noise and for the safety, I can't fly it near the city. I am from Kyoto, and I would like to know if there are any testing fields around this area. I can speak some amount of Japanese and I also have a supervisor who is Japanese. Although I researched up on the internet, I would like to get an advice on how to obtain permission from the government if anyone has experience.
by Smith (guest)  

Re: Looking for testing field for RC plane 2024/1/15 15:26
Have you Googled リコモン 飛行機 京都 ?
by Uco rate this post as useful

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