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Ship bags from cruise port to Narita hotel 2024/2/7 10:57
We will be arriving at the Tokyo cruise port and going to a Narita airport hotel that day. The next day we will be taking a flight home. Is it feasible to ship our luggage from the cruise port to the hotel?
by PAUL (guest)  

Re: Ship bags from cruise port to Narita hotel 2024/2/7 13:12
While luggage forwarding service providers typically provide next-day delivery as long as the destination is within the main island, they ask that you drop off the luggage two days in advance if you want to pick it up at an airport (just to be safe).

You might need to inquire with the specifics to see if they accommodate it at all.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Ship bags from cruise port to Narita hotel 2024/2/7 13:18
Not feasible. Time and effort to organise this outweighs the whole 30-49 minutes you need to move your own luggage.
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ship bags from cruise port to Narita hotel 2024/2/7 20:11
Not feasible. Shopping isnft fast enough for this.
Take a taxi to a convenient station and a direct train to Marita if luggage management is difficult. Just not a too long taxi trip as it will be costly.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

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