Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Hunting with dogs 2024/2/9 20:19

Are there any hunting daytrips or hunting clubs near tokyo?

I would like to bring my dog with me for the experience.

*he will be with me on leash at all times. I would just like to head out for the experience to see the pros in action.
by whiskywindsor  

Re: Hunting with dogs 2024/2/10 00:21
You can start by contacting the local hunters association.

But I wonder if you have a license in Japan. Hunting weapons like rifles and bullets are very strictly controlled in Japan.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Hunting with dogs 2024/2/10 00:25
Thanks for the reply. I was just hoping to tag along and not hold a weapon to hunt :)
by whiskywindsor rate this post as useful

Re: Hunting with dogs 2024/2/10 00:55
Thanks for feedback. That's probably going to be a whole different and difficult story. As far as my poor knowledge goes from talking to hunters, hunting tours seems to be strictly for hunters. In any case, you need to ask the association.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Hunting with dogs 2024/2/10 01:46
Hi, i need some help. I cannot seem to find a contact form or an email to contact them. Can you advise?

Thanks a million :)
by whiskywindsor rate this post as useful

Re: Hunting with dogs 2024/2/10 14:53
Here is a list of fax numbers for each association per prefecture. If you need help reading the prefecture names, let us know. But it's basically listed from north to south.

by Uco rate this post as useful

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