Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Goshuincho at Heneda 2024/2/11 06:38
Hello all, we are taking our first trip in April and my wife is really looking forward to getting goshuin. The first couple of days we will only be going to smaller shrines and are worried we may not be able to get books at those locations. Is there a shop in the Heneda airport that sells goshuincho? If so what store and if possible where in the airport?
Thanks in advance.
by Sam1Cohen  

Re: Goshuincho at Heneda 2024/2/11 14:03
Goshuincho is available not only at shrines (where there often seems to be a longer queue) but also at large stationary shops and large book stores as well as online shops.

I'm sure they're available at Haneda Airport, but I'd be more concerned about dragging your luggage around just to find the right shop when the airport is designed to lead people straight to their buses and trains heading for their hotels.

In any case, you can ask at the airport information counter for goshuincho, or perhaps you could suggest that it was once available at JAL Plaza and hope that the information counter people confirm that. Meanwhile, here are some online shops, but I'm not sure if they're available for overseas shopping.

I hope it helps.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Goshuincho at Heneda 2024/2/12 05:06
Although I haven't visited every shop at Haneda Airport, I don't recall seeing a store that might sell a goshuincho. There is one bookstore on the 4th floor before security where you can ask staff. If not, my suggestion is to go into the city and look for Loft. But then you might as well go to the larger temples and shrines.

Note: Since the pandemic, I have noticed in Tokyo that shrines and temples are selling pre-signed shuin on slips of paper. Even though you might have a book, some locations do not offer calligraphy on the spot, which is the traditional way. Sensoji and Hie Shrine does (and so grateful!). Pre-made still cost \300-500.
by Villagemayor rate this post as useful

Re: Goshuincho at Heneda 2024/2/12 12:13
For the record, I've never noticed goshuincho at Haneda Airport either. But Google tells me that the two major Japanese airlines, ANA and JAL, each collaborated with local shrines to create their brand goshuincho which they started selling around the beginning of 2023, probably to boost sells that broke down during the pandemic.

Again, the airport is not designed for international travelers to shop extensively after arrival, but I'm sure workers would be happy if tourists took notice of the collaboration.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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