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Electric Razor / Shaver in sento / onsen 2024/2/11 21:57
I have been in over 800 sento / onsen until now, but i still havn't figured out this question:

is it ok to use an >>electric<< shaver in an sento / onsen for beard and head?
* i know and have seen many times that it is custom to shave in an onsen
=> but never ever seen someone was using an >>electric<< razor / shaver...
* even google doesnt find a prober answer if it is ok or not

i guess, it is not ok, maybe because it is seen as "urusai"? but i dont know if that is just overthinking japanese attitude.

i love to have my facial hair not completely shaven but to about 1mm, so i need to use an electric one to achieve that. but would this be acceptable (i also do not want to brake any Japanese common rules)?
by Glimpigumpi  

Re: Electric Razor / Shaver in sento / onsen 2024/2/12 12:28
i know and have seen many times that it is custom to shave in an onsen

Is it? As far as I know as a Japanese (female) resident, most if not all public baths suggest you refrain from shaving. Perhaps males could get away with shaving a little bit, because that's what they need to do on a daily basis.

But generally, the idea is that you can either shave at home or at your hotel room, where you'd wipe the hair/beard and put it in the trash before it clogs the sink. Or you can go to a barber.

Shaving in a public place means that hair would obviously pour on floors and counters you share with others, and it could even clog the sink. For the record, I've never seen a woman shaving herself at a public place, although women can get their face shaved at barbers too.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Electric Razor / Shaver in sento / onsen 2024/2/12 12:41
Shaving is a no-no. Electric or not.
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Electric Razor / Shaver in sento / onsen 2024/2/12 20:38
Hmmm… I have seen though razors being sold in onsen / super sentos. I have to admit that in the female side of it I never saw anyone actually using one.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Electric Razor / Shaver in sento / onsen 2024/2/13 05:26
Male onsen fan here. I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say it's a "custom" to shave in an onsen, but yes, some guys do, and there are onsen/sento that sell/supply razors and after-shave skin lotions for that purpose.

The general atmosphere, or at least as I feel it, seems to be that shaving at an onsen is OK, but not required, and so a lot of guys skip it. Many Japanese men's beards come in thinly enough that they can get away without shaving for a day if they're not headed to the office (like when they're on a weekend onsen trip), and I think in the case of going to an onsen with an attached hotel that they're staying at, a lot of guys shave in their rooms either before or after going to the bath.

All that said, I've shaved my beard (using a non-electric razor) at onsen and never gotten any dirty looks for doing so. I think the OP is right, though, in that using an electric razor might be seen as a faux pas, or at least something most other guests would rather you not do, on account of the noise. Not that onsen have to be completely silent, they have electric hair dryers, after all, but in the case of shaving, where a silent, non-electric option is available, I think most patrons would prefer people go that route.

The lack of electric razor-use could just be for practical reasons too. In some onsen, there's only a basket to put your personal items in, so some people might worry about theft/damage to their electric razor. An electric razor is also bigger and bulkier than a non-electric one, making it one more thing to lug to and from the bath and have to carry around any common-use areas like the onsen's cafe, snack bar, massage chair room, etc.

If you absolutely -had- to use an electric razor, I imagine it'd be considered more acceptable at a sento, where there's still at least a little "We're all here to get clean" mentality, as compared to a more relaxation-focused onsen.
by . . . . (guest) rate this post as useful

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