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Real estate websites in Japan 2024/2/12 11:41
Hi, are there any popular real estate websites in Japan where most property is listed? Ifm in Australia and am hoping there is something similar to I would love to buy and move to Japan.
by Jess (guest)  

Re: Real estate websites in Japan 2024/2/12 17:31
when you buy a property, you can't get a resident status.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Real estate websites in Japan 2024/2/12 17:39
There is multiple similar to but they are in Japanese language? Your Japanese skill good?
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Real estate websites in Japan 2024/2/12 18:32
Well, itfs not that complicated to read them even though they are in Japanese. With some Google translate you can figure out the basics.

This is a big one:

by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Real estate websites in Japan 2024/2/12 19:01
There is another one At Home. Use the search by map option in either sites for visualization of where the listing is. You can search for condominiums (mansions, as called by Japanese), single detached houses, land, etc..
by nonn bay (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Real estate websites in Japan 2024/2/13 10:05
A simple google search will come up with many of the usual ones. SUUMO for example.
Buying a house does not entitle you to live in Japan - you need a status of residence.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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