Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Japan Nightlife Social Media Channel (SNS) 2024/2/28 15:34
Is there any good social media channel I can follow or subscribe to? So that I know where to go for nightlife in Japan? I love watching live show, performance or any cultural demonstration or activities. Thank you in advance.
by akemihikaru  

Re: Japan Nightlife Social Media Channel (SNS) 2024/2/29 11:12
For those who can read Japanese, older people tend to use Facebook and X (Twitter) while younger people tend to use Instagram and TikTok to announce events and performances. I wonder if you can narrow down your preferences so that someone can lead you to a nice spot to get started.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Japan Nightlife Social Media Channel (SNS) 2024/2/29 15:56
I wan to know too.
by Bryan Solomon (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Japan Nightlife Social Media Channel (SNS) 2024/2/29 15:58
Night show like kujira entertainment or burlesque tokyo is fine with me, something like mixture of cultural + modern elements of japan....
by akemihikaru rate this post as useful

Re: Japan Nightlife Social Media Channel (SNS) 2024/2/29 16:00
I found some yesterday, good social media netoworking that sharing Japan Nightlife activities, hope it helps you guys

X (Twitter):
by akemihikaru rate this post as useful

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