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Where can I buy Rerise hair color? 2024/3/11 14:55
The hair color I am interested in is a natural reblack. Name Rerise by Kao or Kombu by Rishiri. Where do you buy such products in Japan? Supermarket? Pharmacy?
by Iole (guest)  

Re: Where can I buy Rerise hair color? 2024/3/12 15:37
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but are you perhaps looking for the "Rishiri-Kombu Hair Color Treatment" which is a product by Sastty?

It's a relatively natural treatment paste that is made from kelp, and it dies your hair easily and naturally in sort of a shade.

If so, you can buy them at many drug stores as well as on-line.

Meanwhile, I don't think Kao sells anything similar to the name you've given us. Here is Kao's official website:
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Where can I buy Rerise hair color? 2024/3/12 17:26

Kao indeed has the hair dye/hair care series gReriseh under their gBlauneh product group.

They have a color type called greblack,h so maybe thatfs the one you are after. I would go to big drugstore chains like Tsuruha Drug, Matsumoto Kiyoshi and the like (and maybe mass merchandiser/discount stores like Yodobashi too).

by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Where can I buy Rerise hair color? 2024/3/12 18:17
Ah! Thank you, AK! And all I had to do was to Google "rerise ‰Ô‰€". So sorry about that!
by Uco rate this post as useful

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