Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

JindaiJi Bus Stop 2024/3/28 00:27
I am planning to take the Odakyu Bus # 4 from Kichijoji to Jindaiji next week. It has two bus stops for Jindaiji; "Jindaiji Iriguchi" and "Jindaiji". If someone has taken this bus and knows which might me the right bus stop for the Jindaiji Temple, please let me know.

Thanks in advance.
by Pierre (guest)  

Re: JindaiJi Bus Stop 2024/3/28 11:28
I have never taken a bus from Kichijoji, but I went to Jindaiji 2 years ago.
Take the 吉04(Kichi 04) bus and get off at the last stop, Jindaiji bus stop.
Buses with the kanji for "野" are bound for different destinations, so please take a bus without it.
It departs from the number 6 bus stop.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

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