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Using Ta-Q-Bin service for a suitcase 2024/4/20 05:34
When using the Ta-Q-Bin service does the form need to be filled out in Japanese characters? Or is it ok to use Romanji?
by Donnell  

Re: Using Ta-Q-Bin service for a suitcase 2024/4/20 09:04
does the form need to be filled out in Japanese characters? Or is it ok to use Romanji?

You can use Romaji. You can even write it in an English fashion (order of the address).

Most important is the name of the hotel and your name. Then the postal code. Donft use abbreviated name of the hotel.
by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: Using Ta-Q-Bin service for a suitcase 2024/4/20 09:44
Are you sending the suitcase from a hotel where you are staying? If so, usually someone at the front desk will fill out the form for you, although I guess it depends on how service-oriented the hotel is. I think that many hotels actually prefer to do it themselves (in Japanese), and often they will verify the address online or sometimes even phone the receiving hotel (if youfre sending it to another hotel) to confirm that you will in fact be staying there (there are so many hotels with similar names that it can be surprisingly easy to make a mistake) and to inform them that the suitcase will be arriving. I always fill out takuhaibin forms myself, but I have had hotels that were reluctant to let me do this, probably because they have had bad experiences in the past.

I think the best thing is to mention, when you are checking in, that you plan to send a suitcase by takuhaibin, and they will tell you what the deadlines are and what else they expect. One hotel I stayed at last year required you to inform them by the night before if you were planning to send takuhaibin. (In general it is not a good idea to just spring it on them when you check out, especially if it will be at a busy time. It can take 10 minutes or more to do all the necessary paperwork and handle the payment, which generally has to be in cash, by the way.)

by Kim (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Using Ta-Q-Bin service for a suitcase 2024/4/20 10:21
Many hotels have the forms in their rooms which I suppose they expect you to fill up yourself. There was one incident I had to clarify with the front desk as there were two similar forms in the room. Turned out one for cash on delivery and the other for prepaid. I always write in block alphabets in English and had no problems with that.
by PH (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Using Ta-Q-Bin service for a suitcase 2024/4/20 12:54
Thanks but I am not staying at a hotel so will be sending from a 7/11
by Donnell rate this post as useful

Re: Using Ta-Q-Bin service for a suitcase 2024/4/21 07:34
Sagawa recently (I think) started this luggage pickup/delivery service that is completely in English on the website at . No Japanese language necessary.

You complete the form in English, upload hotel reservation docs (if applicable), take a picture of your luggage, and then pay. They will come and pickup your bag and hold it (if you desire for a few days) and then deliver to your next destination. They will do same day delivery within certain geographies (e.g. within 23 wards of Tokyo).

I am using them to pickup, hold and deliver my large suitcase to my next hotel this week.

Hope this helps.


by USC4Ever rate this post as useful

Re: Using Ta-Q-Bin service for a suitcase 2024/4/21 08:34

The cost I was charged to pickup, store, and deliver my 1 large suitcase was Y2400 that includes storing luggage with Sagawa for 4 days (Wednesday pickup to Sunday delivery).

All in all a bargain I think.

by USC4Ever rate this post as useful

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