Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Happy Year of the Ox! 2009/1/13 08:02
Thanks for all the great posts! I'm still in the process of setting up the Chofu Elementary website. I've just been really busy the past few months, but I hope to have it up and running before the end of January.
by Pamela S. (guest) rate this post as useful

Other good news! 2009/1/13 08:10
My childhood friend from Kanto sent me a couple of photos of the Japanese family we stayed with back in 1972! It's really exciting to finally have them since I had no photos from that time. I'm thinking about posting them somewhere on the forum in hopes that someone might recognize the family.
by Pamela S. (guest) rate this post as useful

Pam 2009/1/18 14:33
Why don't you send the pictures to the Japanese newspapers referenced early in this thread?
by "just browsing" (guest) rate this post as useful

I lived in Kanto Mura 70-73 2009/1/29 17:21
My family lived in Kanto Mura from 1970-73. I attended Chofu elementry from 6th grade to 8th grade. I remember a Ms. Kunze as a science teacher. There is a Chofu group on FACEBOOK. I posted a school picture from 1970. I don't know names of everyone, but maybe some of you all would know some of the folks. I have a younger brother and sister that also went to Chofu Elementary. Yvette and Roy (Buddy) Eaves.
by Katherine Ann Eaves DiGiacomo rate this post as useful

Google Street Views 2009/1/30 23:11
I also went to Chofu HS from 69-71 and returned in 84 for a short visit. It's amazing how quickly things change over there. But a few things remain the same. If you go to Google street views you'll see the candy store outside the fence at Kanto Mura is still there. Here's the path:
by Mike Link (guest) rate this post as useful

Chofu High School 1970-1973 2009/2/5 06:36
Hi, I'm a sister of Lewis Blevins (he has responded also). The site is pretty good. I have located some of my friends through this site. Perhaps someone on that site can help you. Good luck to you.
by katsegovia rate this post as useful

Chofu website 2009/2/6 04:16
To Pam,

Are you getting any closer to getting your website completed? I think it's a great idea and hope to share as much as I can on the site including pictures. I believe you are the Pam that I corresponded with about a year ago through email. My name is Marty and you sent me some wonderful pictures of you as a child in Kanto Mura. I am in the process of scanning in old photos and slides from that era. I hope I can find a few Kanto Mura pics as most are from Yokota.

by CityDweller rate this post as useful

Lived at Kanto Mura 72-74 2009/2/7 14:30
Web surf and I find this site and a question that I can answer. My family and I lived there from 1972-1974 in bldg 353-A. So many memories and friends that I miss dearly...such a great time in my life. My name is Richard Brown and I see some familer name's that I knew back in the day such as Ben Ito, Noxon, Toney Reed, Andre Downey. The people that I hung out with were Andre Jones, Ernie Richardson, Kieth Larson, Carlton Shikata just to name a few. If anyone want's to talk about any of the people that I have listed or many more not listed feel free to drop me a line.
by browne rate this post as useful

Kanto Mura, Chofu! 2009/3/3 05:13
My family lived there in there and at Tachikawa. We were one of the last families living there when they closed the base down. I remember the great Bonadori's on base in the summer, school, the hole in the fence, football and so many happy times. My older sister and brother Teresa & Mark went to Chofu High while my brother Joe and I (Cathy) attended the elementary shcool. I ran into a DoD teacher while I lived in Germany - I cant remeber her name, her class was next to Ms Cody's and she was Phillipino - and wore great shoes all the time.
by Cathy Clark-Fleck (guest) rate this post as useful

Kanto Mura 70-74 2009/3/15 21:50
I'm Doug Roberson. I attended the 5th through the 8th grade at Kanto Mura. My brother Matt graduated from Chofu High in 74 and sister Valattended. Mom was a Girl Scout troop leader.My brother and I were in Boy Scouts. Some friends were David Popp, Frank and Larry Smith, Robert Pittman. I've seen a lot of names I recognize here and on the Chofu site.
by Doug R rate this post as useful

kanto mura 2009/3/27 19:08
i lived at kanto mura from 1970 to 74. i remember going on the school trips to stay with the japanese families. I remember Miss Hada and Miss karatsua from the japanese class. I live in 135 d right across from the elementary scholl.
by David Gary (guest) rate this post as useful

Chofu Elementary website launched! 2009/4/21 10:49

Hi, everyone!

FINALLY! I've launched the website devoted to all of us who went to Chofu Elementary. It took an entire year from the purchase of the domain name until the actual publishing of the site (due to lack of free time to work on it and many programming issues)! Most of it is still under construction (especially the message board), but please check it out and mention it to your friends and/or siblings who attended CES. Thanks! Pam
by CherryBakuha rate this post as useful

Response to post by "just browsing" 2009/4/21 10:54
Regarding your suggestion about sending the photos to newspapers in Japan, that seems like a good idea but a very complicated process. First, there is the language barrier (I am not fluent in Japanese) and second, it's doubtful any newspapers would spend time or expense on something that might not be very interesting to many people. If I lived in Japan, however, I would definitely consider your suggestion.
by CherryBakuha rate this post as useful

CherryBakuha is my username... 2009/4/21 11:17
I usually post here as a guest under the name "Pamela S." but I decided to login this time. So if you ever see CherryBakuha, you'll know it's just me!
by CherryBakuha rate this post as useful

KM 72-74 2009/4/22 13:56
Lived across from the elementary school. Played on the KM Bulldogs & Chiefs football teams. Remember the Ito family well... mostly hung out with Carl.
by Tim Smith (guest) rate this post as useful

Chofu Elementary website update 2009/5/8 06:46
The forum is up and ready for posting, but there are some minor issues with pixelation in some areas. Everything works, it's just difficult to read a few buttons and fields. I'm in the process of trying to get this problem corrected, but feel free to use the forum now if you wish:
by CherryBakuha rate this post as useful

WOW!!!! 2009/9/6 10:17
I can't beleive it!!! I recognized several of you!! I lived next door to Ben Ito, and Lewis Blevins Jr. was one of my best childhood friends!! I still have photos of all of us! Heck I still have BOXES of my old Minko cards with Kamen Rider, Kikaider, Lion Maru etc.. I looked for Lew for years!!! If anyone knows how to reach him have him call me please!!! (719) 574-7886 in Colorado Springs! I am a psychologist in private practice.
by Dudley Sigler Jr. (guest) rate this post as useful

Friends! 2009/9/6 11:09
I almost forgot!! If anyone knows whatever happened to Vivian MulHolland please let me know if she's out there somewhere!!!
by Dudley SiglerJr. (guest) rate this post as useful

no answer but thanks for this page 2009/9/9 01:49
Ifm do research for a paper about my past. I lived at kanto mura from 65-68 & 70-73. My Dad was the head football coach for the Chiefs 70-73 Coach Halland youth activities direct. I lived across from the youth center 65-68 and & at the hole in the fence 70-73. I remember riding bikes and playing football. Building snow forts and watching the ground ripple during earthquakes. Many memories - ANy 70-73 chiefs or cheerleaders out there?
by Stan Hall (guest) rate this post as useful

chiefs 2009/9/12 03:00
i posted a picture of the chiefs on the facebook site and one other site. lived in kantomura from 1970 -74 right across from the school. i played on the chiefs in73 74
by David Gary (guest) rate this post as useful

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