Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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K-S Gardens 2006/11/2 05:06
It was easier to find the article you mentioned at than it was the Gardens. Sorry. Maybe Uco can shed some light on the subject.
by Bill Nunnery rate this post as useful

article 2006/11/2 05:31
Glad you found it. I'm guessing you're 5-6 years older than me... Are you retired? Still working? Where?
I'm in Missouri, have the retirement house built but still employed.
by Eric Davis rate this post as useful

Article 2006/11/2 05:40
I'm 63 and living in Houston, TX. You can write to me at
I won't be able to read/respond until I get home in the evening.
by Bill Nunnery rate this post as useful

Thank you / Only one beach today 2006/11/2 09:21
Thank you Bill for enlightening me. I had never used but I find it much easier to pinpoint locations although it's not as real as Google Earth.

Btw, I can probably shed lights on a lot of things since I can read Japanese and have lived in Yokohama for the past 16 years if only anyone can post specific questions. Mind you, I am terrible at computers though.

Unfortunately, today we only have one sand beach in the whole City of Yokohama, and that is the artificial beach in Kanazawa-hakkei. But people here and there enjoy fishing at the (very un-romantic) rivers and canals.

Here is an updated map from the official website for Sankeien in case anyone is interested.

Also since you people keep talking about "looking over the sea", here are some photos of the park called "Minato no Mieru Oka Koen" literally meaning "the park over-looking the bay" which is located right next to the foreign cemetary.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Ave D address 2006/11/2 10:21

I know the streetcars are gone and Ave. D may have been changed. Are you familiar with Sannotani?
I've wondered what happened to my old neighborhood...
by Eric Davis rate this post as useful

One Beach 2006/11/2 22:33
Uco, thanks for the web sites. I think I finally found the International Cemetery on; however, I never visited that area when I lived in Yokohama 1953-54. Our house, located on a bluff terrace (now a walking park)looked out towards Yokohama Bay about where the big bridge is now located.
by Bill Nunnery rate this post as useful

K-S Gardens 2006/11/2 22:37
Eric, when I climbed the hill above our house and looked south(?), I remember another bluff area and a tall pagoda structure standing stately amongst the trees. I wonder if that might have been the K-S Gardens area?
by Bill Nunnery rate this post as useful

Yokohama reference 2006/11/2 23:39
Eric, to assist you and Uco about where I lived, go to the the web address and then scroll down the page until you see pictures of the schools. Click on "Beach" YOHI and then scroll down until you see the 1948 Map of Area 2. My house was #351. We looked out the back door over a small cemetery, a village, and then outward to Yokohama Bay. Our view was somewhat lined up with the old bay breakwater wall, which seems to have been replaced by the big bridge.
by Bill Nunnery rate this post as useful

Sannotani area 2006/11/3 00:32
Eric, I'm not actually "familiar" with Sannotani area, but I notice from the internet that there is a bus stop called "Sannotani" and it is located close to the JR Isogo Station. Here is a map. The bus stop is shown in three red kanji letters at the upper tip of the pink area, right where the signal is.

Isogo Ward today is a huge residential area. I'm a bit amazed that someone mentioned a "village" there, but no wonder, the biggest residential area of Tokyo used to be a "resort" in grandparent's days (I was born in 1961 btw).

I recently went to Okamura area which is shown on the upper left of the map, and I saw a lot of nice well-built houses that seemed a few decades old.

Isogo Station was opened in 1964 and now has three different JR Line trains stopping.

On the map you will notice Route 16 which is still one of the major streets in Yokohama and (sort of surprisingly) gradually curves and goes way up to the Yokota Air Base in the western tip of Tokyo.

The different colors on this map is merely used to distinguish addresses, but the green parts are parks and grassy zones.

The lower part of the bay is an industrial area. The upper part of the bay is a yacht harbor. There is a vegetable market in between.

I'm afraid that names like "Area so and so" or "Ave D" and what not are not familiar to us today at all. The bus stop is located on "Isogo-kyudo" which was probably the main street back in the Edo Era or so.

Trying to find some nice photos of todays Isogo, I found a photo of old street cars.

Btw, you gentlemen seem to mention "San-kai-en" but I think you mean "San-KEI-en". I hope this helps your future search.
by Uco rate this post as useful

PS 2006/11/3 00:36
Thank you Bill for the photo link. I luv looking at old photos! And sorry that my last post got so un-readable.
by Uco rate this post as useful

K-S Gardens 2006/11/3 01:56
Eric, Unco saves the day again with her correct spelling of the "gardens". The area is still a place to visit. Go to this link to read about it.
by Bill Nunnery rate this post as useful

San-KEI-en Gardens 2006/11/3 02:20
Eric, I think I found the "gardens". Look at Enter, Yokohama, Japan and then click on satellite button if the aerial image is not already displayed. The area I think you want to zoom in on is in the southeast quadrant of the city, along the shoreline and across from the refinery oil tank farm. There is a big lush green area just as the street hooks around and appears to be a fish hook to the left.
by Bill Nunnery rate this post as useful

oops! Unco instead of Uco 2006/11/3 03:02
Uco..sorry for spelling your name Unco in a recent post. That was a nickname of a favorite uncle of mine years ago. My fingers just typed his name instead of yours.
by Bill Nunnery rate this post as useful

Thanks, Uco 2006/11/3 04:41
You have scratched into the midset of kids who were guests in Japan in a very different era than today.
In our day, we found beeping streetcars, Avenue D, the PX and great big bottles of Kikkoman at the neighborhood fish market fascinating. Japanese toys could be unfolded to uncover "Libby's peas," on the inside (they were made of tin cans), Japanese cars were poorly made and to be avoided and three wheel trucks dominated traffic. One US dollar equaled 365 Yen. Of course all this has changed. It could be that 1950s Japan still exists where we live in the US...
by Eric Davis rate this post as useful

. 2006/11/3 04:49
Uco, Sakuragicho Station (Tokyu Side) and Takashimacho station of the former Toyoko Line will be transformed into a pedestrian walkway/parkway. I recall reading it in an old Yokohama city press release, though government buracracy can slow things down.

Luckily Sakuragicho and takashimacho are still served by the Yokohama Subway, Sakuragicho has JR as well.

I think if you look at the broader range of things and for the future, the Toyoko-Line and Minato Mirari line interconnecting Shibuya with the MinatoMiari area and into Yokohama will be more beneficial to the future development of Yokohama. As you have a direct connection without the need to change trains connecting two important city centers bringing more business, revenue etc.

Someone mentioned the old street cars are indeed gone, there is a transportation museum in Yokohama where you can still see some of those old street cars, though in a small museum setting.

Yokohama has indeed changed over the years.
by john rate this post as useful

sorry, off-topic 2006/11/3 10:52
Toyoko-Line and Minato Mirari line interconnecting Shibuya with the MinatoMiari area and into Yokohama will be more beneficial to the future development of Yokohama.

I just found out a few days ago, that the Toyoko Line is scheduled to start through-traffic with the new subway line 13 to Shinjuku and Ikebukuro in 2012 (the current terminal station at Shibuya will be moved underground to connect with the subway line). Then it will be possible to get from Ikebukuro directly to Yokohama Chinatown. Isn't than wonderful ;-)
by Uji rate this post as useful

peas and toys? 2006/11/3 12:11
Bill, no problem about the typo.

Eric, you're probably my father's age. We, a Japanese family, lived in Pasadena, California 1969-73 so I know how you feel about far away places you grew up in.

When we came back to Tokyo there were two things that weren't there before. KFC and McDonald's. I remember that when Big Mac was a dollar in L.A., it was 360 yen in Japan. Those were the days when Datsun made Fairlady Z and Mazda made the Rotary Engine, and the river of Tamagawa dividing Tokyo and Kanagawa was at its most poluted era.

And "Japanese toys could be unfolded to uncover 'Libby's peas,' on the inside (they were made of tin cans)"? Now, this is interesting! How can toys be related to peas? Do you mean that the toys were attached to peas cans as a novelty?

John, thanks for the feedback. Yes, I did hear something about the pedestrian walk, but they're slow, aren't they. Tokyu is probably one of the developing railway companies in Tokyo at the moment and I do like a lot of the things they're doing, but I guess that some people have to be left behind when we try to please the majority. Oh, well.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Sorry for the typo 2006/11/3 12:13
Incorrect: one of the developing

Correct: one of the most developing

(I check my messages numerous times before I post them, and I still make typos...)
by Uco rate this post as useful

Libby's Peas; trains 2006/11/3 21:51
The Libby Peas cans were recycled to make Japanese toys back in the late 1940's and early 1950's. I believe that is what Eric is referring to in a recent post.
I remember taking a train somewhere on vacation in 1954. We eventually ended up at the Fujiya Hotel. I noticed the hotel is still there. I remember it being very nice.
by Bill Nunnery rate this post as useful

Tin cans = tin toys 2006/11/3 23:27
Bill's got it. A Japanese toy from the mid 1950s could be taken apart with a screwdriver and while the outside had been carefully painted and trimmed, the inside revealed its heritage as a recycled food can that had been hammered flat and cut to a pattern.
Likewise, shopping at the neighborhood grocery, we would bring home fruit in a sack made from last week's newspaper.
The streetcar was 13 Yen for a one way ticket. 25 Yen for a round trip.
In the countryside, there were no movies but travelling story tellers and puppeteers would give a show to the neighborhood kids and their parents, then take up a collection before heading off to the next village. I saw this several times in areas where silkworms and the silk industry was active. My dad liked to take pictures and slides. We still have thousands of these...
by Eric Davis rate this post as useful

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