Oya Temple (‘å’JŽ›, Ōyaji) is a 1200 year old Buddhist temple constructed in the volcanic, Oya stone cliffs on the outskirts of Utsunomiya City. The temple is said to have been established in 810 by Kobo Daishi, the founder of Shingon Buddhism and one of Japan's most important religious personalities. He is believed to have shaped the temple's main image of worship, the nearly four meter high Oya Kannon relief carving of the thousand-armed Buddhist goddess of mercy, which is chiseled directly into the face of the cliff.
Nine other Buddha carvings, representing the Three Buddhas of Shaka, the Three Buddhas of Yakushi and the Three Buddhas of Amida, join the Oya Kannon on the cliff face inside the temple's main hall and are considered among Japan's best stone sculptures.

The temple grounds also have a small garden, which visitors can walk around, and a treasure hall with relics dating from the Jomon to the Kamakura periods of Japanese history, which were discovered in the caves during archeological excavations in 1965.
Across the street from the temple stands the towering Peace Kannon Statue, overlooking a public park. The 27 meter high stone statue was carved directly out of the surrounding cliffs and stands in tribute to those who died during WW2 and for the promotion of world peace. Visitors can climb up a to an observatory on the cliff behind the Kannon from where they can inspect the statue from closer up as well as look out over the surrounding countryside.

Getting there and around
From JR Utsunomiya Station (West Exit), take bus number 45 bound for Tateiwa (—§Šâ) and get off at the Oya Kannon-mae bus stop (‘å’JŠÏ‰¹‘O, 25 minutes, 530 yen one way, 1-3 buses/hour). The temple is a two minute walk from the bus stop. The bus also stops in front of Tobu Utsunomiya Station along the way (20 minutes, 530 yen one way).
Hours and Fees
Oyaji Temple
Peace Kannon Park
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