Uchiko History Museum
About the life of Uchiko’s former residents
of 4 most visited in Uchiko

The Uchiko History Museum (“àŽq’¬—ðŽj–¯‘Ž‘—¿ŠÙ, Uchikocho Rekishi Minzoku Shiryōkan), also known as the Museum of Commercial and Domestic Life, is located along the main street, outside of the Yokaichi Old Town district. The museum is compact, but enjoyable, with life-sized, automated figures recreating the town life of the 19th and 20th centuries.
The displays are visually informative, making up for the lack of English in the written material. On the second floor, beautiful tatami rooms with sliding doors and painted screens show how the more stylish town houses of local merchant families looked like.

Getting there and around
Hours and Fees
9:00 to 16:30
December 29 to January 2
200 yen
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