How to travel between Kofu and Tokyo

By train

Tokyo (Shinjuku Station) and Kofu are connected by twice-hourly limited express trains along the JR Chuo Line (90 minutes, 3890 yen one way). Alternatively, the train journey can be done by rapid and local trains with a transfer at Takao along the way (3 hours, 2310 yen one way, 1-2 connections/hour). The Japan Rail Pass and Tokyo Wide Pass are valid on all trains.

By highway bus

One or two highway buses per hour are operated by multiple companies between Tokyo's Shinjuku Station and Kofu. The one way journey takes around 140 minutes and costs 2200 yen.

Above fees and schedules are subject to change. Be sure to check current yen exchange rates.

Getting around

Kofu Station in the center of Kofu is the region's main transport hub, served by multiple train and bus lines. Some of Kofu's tourist attractions are a short walk, bus or train ride from Kofu Station, but others, such as the Katsunuma wine district are located considerable distances away, and access by public transportation is not always convenient.

Due to the distances involved in travelling around the region, it can be convenient to hire a rental car. There are multiple rental car outlets around Kofu Station. It is important to note, however, that Japan enforces a strict zero-tolerance drinking and driving policy.