Cherry Blossoms 2010: Nagasaki Report (3/25)
This is the official cherry blossom report for 2010. Please visit also our guide to cherry blossoms for more general information about cherry blossoms and this year's forecasts and our schedule of upcoming reports.
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2010/03/25 - Nagasaki Report
by francois

Cold weather has slowed the process of the opening of the cherry blossoms in Tokyo and Kyoto, where the flowers are still only just opening. Meanwhile, several cities on the southern island of Kyushu are approaching full bloom, though the weather for the last few days has been cloudy and not ideal for flower viewing. Today we continued reporting from Kyushu in the western city of Nagasaki.
The flowers in Nagasaki were generally about 60% open. There has been cold weather the past few days, but the forecast is for warmer weather into the weekend which may cause the trees to reach full bloom soon. This weekend will likely be the best time to see cherry blossoms in Nagasaki this year and the city's popular cherry blossom spots will most likely be quite crowded.
Nagasaki Peace Park
March 25, 2010 - approaching full bloom (50-80%)
The first spot of the day was the Nagasaki Peace Park, a park dedicated to the victims of the atomic bomb. The park has a number of statues and other monuments, some of which were donated by foreign countries.

The flowers at the park were between 60 and 70% open. The state of the trees varied quite a bit, with some almost at full bloom and others that still had many unopened buds.

Dense cherry trees are located near the monument that marks the bomb's hypocenter, whereas the area surrounding the park's fountain has only a few scattered cherry trees. Just beside the park is the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, which is an informative museum worth visiting.

Tateyama Park
March 25, 2010 - approaching full bloom (50-80%)
Tateyama Park is one of Nagasaki's most popular cherry blossom spots. Its popularity is not without just cause, as the park has both a large number of cherry trees and great views onto the city. Located along the mountainside, Tateyama Park has terraced areas where visitors can enjoy cherry blossom viewing parties.

The cherry blossoms at the park are presently about 60 to 70% open. The trees near the bottom of the hillside are somewhat further developed than those near the top.

Today I visited the park early in the morning, so almost no one has yet arrived and the food stalls were just getting set up. I think that it will be a great place to visit over the next few days. The park can be reached by bus from Nagasaki Station in a 20 minute ride.

Sakura no Sato
March 25, 2010 - approaching full bloom (50-80%)
Sakura no Sato is a community park in a residential district that is still technically located within the city limits of Nagasaki, but almost a one hour bus ride outside of the downtown area. Besides some facilities for the community like tennis courts and playgrounds for children, the park contains several thousands of cherry trees.

Like at Nagasaki Peace Park, the state of the cherry trees varied between trees, with many near full bloom and other only half open. Generally though, the state of the cherry trees is quite advanced, and almost at 70%.

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