Just an hour by Hokuriku Shinkansen from Tokyo, Karuizawa is a popular mountain resort in Nagano Prefecture. Its elevation of 1000 meters above sea level make it a favorite destination to escape the heat in summer; and from around mid October Karuizawa becomes one of the more easily accessible destinations for early autumn colors.

In this year, the peak of the season has only just started in the town area and can be expected to continue for another week or so.

Usui Pass Observation Platform

Peak Color

I started my day at the Usui Pass Observation Platform, where the peak of the season was still ongoing, although a considerable number of leaves had already fallen. The 200 meter difference in elevation between the platform and the town center below causes the season here to be a few days more advanced.


Peak Color

The autumn colors in the town of Kyukaruizawa were at their peak today. I visited Kumobaike Pond, the most popular autumn color spot in the town, where I joined an already considerable number of tourists in taking in the season. I expect the colors around the pond to remain worth a visit for at least another week.

Shiraito Waterfall

End of Season

The highest spot visited today, Shiraito Falls (1300 meters above sea level) has already seen the autumn color season come to a conclusion, and the unique waterfall was surrounded by mostly barren trees today.


Peak Color

In the town of Nakakaruizawa I checked the state of the season around the Hoshino Resort area. The colors were generally at their peak, and I found some of the best displays around the Hotel Bleston Court.