Kyoto: Approaching Peak

On my second report to Kyoto this year, I visited a number of autumn color spots along the city's eastern hills, as well as Byodoin Temple in Uji, a 20 minute train ride south of Kyoto.
Because the temperatures remained largely above-average since my last visit three weeks ago, the season in central Kyoto remains delayed by 1-2 weeks compared to the average year. While some spots in the surrounding mountains have reached their peak, central Kyoto is not there yet, and in some of the spots green was even still the dominant color.
Since yesterday, however, the temperatures have dipped considerably and are forecast to constantly fall below 10 degrees during the nights from now. Consequently, I expect the pace of the season to pick up considerably and peak colors to be reached around early next week. The spectacle should then continue into the first week of December.
Nanzenji Temple
Nanzenji Temple was among the more colorful of the spots I visited today, with some maple trees already displaying some nice hues. Nevertheless, it was still several crisp nights away from the peak, and the crowds surprisingly small.

Eikando Temple
Nearby Eikando Temple also already displayed some nice colors, especially around the garden's central pond. The maple tree tunnel in the higher area of the garden; however, was still almost completely green. I expect the peak of the season to start here next week. Evening illuminations are held through December 1.

Shinnyodo Temple
The trees on the grounds of Shinnyodo Temple were only just starting to change their colors. The peak of the season here will probably fall mainly into early December.

Byodoin Temple
The trees at Byodoin Temple in Uji, too, were still mainly green, with a few exceptions, especially around the temple's bell. Illuminations are held here on weekends until December 1 (advance reservations required), when the peak of the season will likely still be in full swing.

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